Does CBD get you High?

Although more and more people are aware of the benefits of CBD and how to include it in their daily lives, the truth is that when I talk to someone about my habit of taking a couple of drops of CBD before bed, many people ask me, or jokes about being high. The reality is no. Taking CBD does not make you high.
For all the curious or family members who ask me, I have an explanation that is zero complicated and without technicalities. CBD does not make you high since chemically, it is impossible; let's see why.
Cannabis contains more than 100 cannabinoids, but there are two that we will mention a lot because they are the most important: THC and CBD. Each produces something different and contributes differently to the sensation of consuming marijuana and its therapeutic applications.
THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis, that is, that effect of being high. In addition to the psychotropic effect, THC is linked to the following outcomes in the human body: increasing pleasure, increasing appetite, changing how your memory or concentration works, and moderating the sensation of pain. THC is the one that affects short-term memory, so that is why we associate someone who smokes marijuana saying what was she talking about? Higher THC cannabis strains are mostly sought after for recreational use.
CBD, for its part, is not psychoactive. Although we still do not know all the qualities, CBD has many more medicinal than recreational benefits; for example, it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, neuroprotective properties. As if that were not enough, CBD helps relieve and treat acute and chronic symptoms in cancer, anxiety, depression, psychosis, spasms, seizure disorders, neuropathic pain, autism, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, and from experience menstrual cramps, a wonder!
So when they ask me, I answer, with all this (for the peace of my family), and I also tell them how safe it is to consume CBD. I have even convinced even the most skeptical of my friends, and today they carry their CBD dropper everywhere.
I use and recommend the 1500mg tincture. Still, in the end, each body is unique, and the recommended doses for each condition are also different, so ask our specialists which one is right for you and choose your favorite version of Innergreen. Do not forget to tell me how it went; I would love to read about your experience!