What is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a “cannabinoid,” or compound found in the hemp plant species, otherwise known as cannabis strains. CBD, specifically, is known as a non-intoxicating component found in large quantities in the cannabis plant.
If you are weary about CBD products and how they work, keep reading our CBD FAQs!
Frequently Asked Questions
Innergreen CBD FAQs
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a “cannabinoid,” or compound found in the hemp plant species, otherwise known as cannabis strains. CBD, specifically, is known as a non-intoxicating component found in large quantities in the cannabis plant. It’s known for its therapeutic potential and the strange way in which it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which is in the body of all mammals. Currently, the FDA has just begun to allow universities to start investigating and compiling research on the effects of the CBD compound on the human body. The topics of study vary widely, but most are centered around the claims of many individuals who have benefited from CBD ingestion. These studies are favoring how the compound could affect chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, epilepsy, dementia, insomnia, and much more.
As it is now, we know that CBD is one of over 60 active chemical compounds in the cannabis
plant. It’s usually the second-most common compound, besides THC. It is also known as an anti-inflammatory, an anticonvulsant, and antioxidant.
Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. They’re usually secreted by flowers, and many of them interact with the endocannabinoid system within the human or mammal body. The endocannabinoid system picks up on the creation of certain chemicals your body makes of its own accord.
The cannabinoids you’ll interact with from the cannabis plant act by imitating those same self-made chemicals that your body produces. In turn, this affects the nervous system, your brain, and your immune cell activity. The system that interacts with THC is the same as the one that interacts with CBD, CBG, and other cannabinoid types found in the cannabis plant.
This is a common misconception, but no, CBD cannot make you feel any sort of high. The compound within the cannabis plant that causes a high sensation is THC and that’s due to the way it interacts with your nervous system and endocannabinoid system. CBD is quite the opposite in how it interacts with those same systems. It cannot, biologically, make you feel high. But, in high doses, it can make you feel more relaxed.
CBD products are extremely safe for usage, especially when ingested in the proper way. Currently, there are no studies that support any side effects of the compound of the human body. It exhibits no effects on the human body that would become indicative of abuse or dependence.
Evidence suggests that chronic use and high doses of up to 1500 mg of CBD per day are well-tolerated in humans.
Yes, Currently CBD is legal in the majority of the States. The only caveat being that the CBD cannot be extracted from a marijuana plant and must be derived from a hemp plant. This is controlled by measuring the percentage of THC in the CBD products. If there’s a percentage of THC in the product that is larger than 0.3%, it is not considered legal CBD. That being said, regardless of whether your state has legalized marijuana, for medical or recreational purposes, you will not be required to furnish a medical marijuana card to purchase CBD products.
It’s important to note that the FDA is in the process of approving CBD products and substantiating the claims of effectiveness. This has nothing to do with the legality of consuming the products as long as the THC content is appropriately low.
Hemp and marijuana are both species of the cannabis plant. Specifically, they’re variations of the cannabis sativa plant. Though, while they are genetically similar, they are very different from one another. Hemp is often regarded as an industrial crop that is used to create things like string, fabrics, and other useful commodities. Recently, it has been discovered that it is capable of creating CBD, the non-psychoactive compound that’s most common in the cannabis sativa plant. To be considered hemp, it must have less than 0.3% THC content.
Marijuana is the same plant; however, this strain often includes a much higher quantity of THC, rather than the small quantities of the compound found in industrial hemp. Indeed, there are strains of marijuana that have been specially bred to create very high quantities of THC.
Alternatively, since hemp plants lack that popular chemical often found in cannabis sativa, you’ll likely find hush quantities of CBD, instead.
CBD and THC, while both originating from the cannabis sativa plant are entirely different compounds. Both interact with the endocannabinoid system in a mammal’s body in an entirely different way. One responds to a certain kind of receptor; the other is detected by the other type of receptor. Because these receptors interpret the chemical in different ways, it causes different effects in the brain and the body as a whole.
Generally speaking, the CB1 receptor is the one that detects THC and interacts largely with brain functionality. CB2 receptors are the ones they pick up on CBD, and they interact exclusively with body tissues and cells, instead of the brain. For this reason, CB2 receptors have no part in getting you high and, can, therefore, not get you high when you ingest CBD.
Taking CBD is a matter of preference. You may find that tinctures, with their ease of use, are best for you. They’re good for starting out small and can be mixed with ease into recipes of all kinds or even just into your water during the day. Other folks might prefer gummies, which allow them to get the entirety of their dosage in one shot during the day with a quick tasty treat, like a vitamin. Others even prefer to use topical creams and keep their CBD usage localized to certain areas, like a painful joint or sore muscles after a workout. Try whatever sounds best for you; you can always switch it up later if it doesn’t work for you.
CBD as a compound is entirely natural, but some companies use strange extraction processes that can corrupt the natural purity of the compound. Here at Innergreen CBD, our extraction methods are totally green, our CBD is derived from organically grown plants, is extracted safely, and is totally natural from the beginning and to the finishing process. So, when you’re buying your CBD products from Innergreen CBD, you know that it’s totally natural and safe for your body to consume.
We heartily recommend cooking with your CBD oil. While you won’t be able to cook anything tasty using smashed up CBD gummies, tincture formats make it easy to toggle how many mg you’re putting into the recipe and make it easy to mix into the recipe as well. Like olive oil, which can be used in almost anything, CBD oil is the perfect texture to easily combine with foods and add an extra element to your recipe. It’s a great way to get your daily dosage, and it allows for plenty of creativity in how you use your product, too.
High-quality CBD that actually follows the FDA guidelines and is made with no THC or with less than 0.3% THC should not show up on a drug test. Low-quality CBDs, however, that are not made with fine materials and use unorthodox extraction methods do have some risk of showing up on drug tests. So, be sure to only invest in high-quality CBD to protect yourself from wrongly showing up positive on a drug test.