How CBD helped me treat my migraine

I have suffered from migraines since I was 14 years old. Sometimes I wonder if it is a curse, why did it happen to me?
Migraine is a condition that has prevented me from fully carrying out my daily activities: I can go from being well and joyful to being locked in my room for 6 hours, lights off —as silent as possible—with my head bursting.
When the pandemic hit, unfortunately for me, things got worse. I don't know whether it was the stress of work, lockdown, fear, or the combination of everything that made my migraine episodes worse. I was desperate.
It was when my friend Luis asked me if I had tried CBD. The truth is that I did not know much about it; I only knew that many of my friends were starting to use it for a lot of things like depression and stress, and I have seen articles that mention its properties for other types of aches. Anyway, Luis told me that he used a brand of CBD called Innergreen to sleep easier and faster at night.
I wondered if that was what I needed since migraines go far beyond being able to sleep, but I approached a specialist and told him that I wanted to start using CBD to try it out. The results were incredible for me; although it is true that the migraines have not stopped and that it was not an overnight change, I can say that my episodes have decreased drastically.
I am thrilled that I decided to try this tool, and now whenever I can, I recommend it to my friends and family. If you also have a migraine, don't worry! There are many tools that can help you recover your life; you just need to dare to try them.