The one time CBD helped me recover from COVID

Last year my family and I got sick with COVID, we were a few days away from being vaccinated, and the virus came knocking on our door, damn it! Like everyone else, it took us by surprise; one day, we were the healthiest people, and the next, we couldn't even walk up the stairs without panting.
I thought that the terror, the fear, and the exhaustion would end when the 15 days on the calendar were over, but it was nothing like that. Few people talk about how difficult it is to recover your energy, strength, and appetite after being relieved from COVID. I have never felt so sad or so tired in my entire life. My friends and family began to worry; the COVID was gone, but my desire to go out with my girlfriends for coffee, do new things, exercise, or even eat was gone as well… I told my friends that I already had a month without COVID, but I was having trouble sleeping, and lately, my anxiety was at its peak.
That was when a friend of mine (God bless her) recommended taking CBD. My first thought was prejudice: The Idea of taking drugs to sleep well scared me. I only knew that it had something to do with marijuana, but I didn't know what CBD was all about, but of course, there was also my desire to recover, to be well again. So, even with my prejudice, I wrote to request information about CBD from a distribution page in my country.
The girl who answered my messages was a person who one day was like me; she even told me that she also had COVID; I felt so understood! She made me feel like everything was going to be alright. Honestly, it was the hope I needed at that time, and that alone was enough to take action on my health. I ordered my CBD and started using it before bed. I knew that CBD was only one of the many tools to recover our health, so I decided to do my part. With the bit of desire I had, I began to go for a walk and then, little by little, to run. On one of my outings, I discovered a yoga group that was about to start; nowadays, that group has become my support during these last months. They have been inspiring, relaxing, and full of peace sessions. I won't say that I got my strength back overnight, but the girl who told me all about CBD was right; everything is better now.
I won't go into the details of CBD because I don't think I have the medical or clinical knowledge to tell you everything it has done to my body, my sleep, and my anxiety. Still, I can share with you that today I can happily walk up the stairs without panting or go out for a coffee with my friends and enjoy a good talk. I will also say no, opposite to what I thought it is not a drug that I need to sleep.