Will CBD make me feel high?

Are CBD Products Safe?
CBD products are extremely safe for usage, especially when ingested in the proper way. Currently, there are no studies that support any side effects of the compound of the human body. It exhibits no effects on the human body that would become indicative of abuse or dependence. Evidence suggests that chronic use and high doses of up to 1500 mg of CBD per day are well-tolerated in humans.
Are CBD products legal?
Yes, currently CBD is legal in the majority of the States. The only caveat being that the CBD cannot be extracted from a marijuana plant and must be derived from a Hemp plant. This is controlled by measuring the percentage of THC in the CBD products. If there’s a percentage of THC in the product that is larger than 0.3%, it is not considered legal CBD. That being said, regardless of whether your state has legalized marijuana, for medical or recreational purposes, you will not be required to furnish a medical marijuana card to purchase CBD products.